We’re a long way off from achieving the “critical mass” needed to make cycling the respected and well-funded form of transportation that attracts even the most sedentary couch potato. We may never be able to rival Amsterdam. However, Community Cycles is working to make cycling a priority in Boulder now and in the future. Here are some ways to get involved.

Susan Yin
Attend County and City Council Meetings
The most important upcoming process is the updating of Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which kicks off on March 21st. Boulder’s TMP provides the policy basis for how transportation funding is spent and what projects or programs the city focuses on to provide transportation services for its citizens. More Info. Members of the public are able to address Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) and propose an overhaul of the cycling infrastructure in Boulder. An increasing number of municipalities are introducing bike parking, trails, bike lanes, and other cycling-friendly changes. If you are looking for ideas for change, just look to our Dutch friends. They have bikeable communities, special traffic signals for cyclists, lanes that separate bikes and cars, and more.
You can make a big difference in how cycling is viewed in the community by going to City Council meetings which take place on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6pm.
Host an Event
Holding a bicycle swap, community ride, cycling fair, or another community event such as the upcoming Pastries on the Path day is one of the best ways to promote cycling. Simply keep an eye on the Events page for details of many upcoming cycling events in Boulder and then support them by spreading the word and reaching out to various community groups. If you’re planning your own gig, consider contacting local cycling clubs for guidance and coordination. You might be able to get sponsorship, or they can at least help you promote your get-together.
Become An Advocate
If you want to improve the structure of cycling routes in Boulder and ensure better access to bike parking by obtaining a neighborhood grant, then consider joining the local advocacy committee, where you’ll get the chance to report on the state of bicycling in the local area and encourage bike-friendly initiatives.
You will have a much bigger impact on your community by working with others than you would on your own. You can get the word out by volunteering in the local community, visiting schools, tabling at environmental fairs and festivals, and hosting cycling-related events.
Get on Your Bike and Ride
Just riding your bike and getting out among the people of Boulder is a great way to model healthy behaviors. You can get more people out and increase the awareness of cycling when you go for rides. This is particularly true when you look casual, ride a comfortable bike, and wear normal clothes. It’s important to note that cycling needn’t be an expensive activity. Community Cycles sells many used bikes both at the shop and listed for sale on Craigslist at affordable prices. If you’re not sure on the right style for you, you can ask for expert advice at most bike shops. Be sure to be courteous as you ride. This will attract friends, not enemies.
These steps are just the start. Don’t sit back and wait for things to happen, instead spread the word and share your love of cycling with your family, friends and neighbors. With patience and perseverance, we can make cycling a priority in Boulder and beyond.