Walk and Bike Month 2024 Wrap Up


It’s hard to believe another Walk and Bike Month has come and gone. And what a month it was, from the B360 to Bike to Work Day! Thank you to all of our volunteers, every business who hosted a breakfast station, and every person who got involved in the month-long activities to celebrate walking and biking culture in Boulder. 


B360: Circle Boulder by Bicycle was a success especially with the new more permanent road markings by the City of Boulder. The signage made finding the way a joy, and now you can ride the route all year long!

Boulder Bike Show saw a wide array of bikes and their people, even a disco bike!

Walk 360 / W360: 26 mile walk around Boulder

Bike To Work Day + Happy Hour

Thanks to everyone who bicycled, walked, or bused their way around Boulder on Bike to Work Day. It was a ‘wheelie’ big hit!

Thank you to all the participants and organizers who helped make the day special. By reducing traffic and improving air quality just by swapping your gas pedal for bike pedals, you help make the region a better place to live.

Together for Bike to Work Day we accomplished some pretty terrific things throughout the Boulder/Denver area:

– About 19,000 people skipped a car trip and rode their bikes instead!

– Roughly 24 percent of cyclists who registered online were first-time Bike to Work Day riders.

– More than 500 businesses participated in the Business Challenge, encouraging their employees to swap a ride in their cars for a ride on two wheels.

– 256 stations provided support to riders with breakfast, water or by hosting an after-work party!

Thank you Sponsors!

We’re grateful for the 30+ sponsors who made Walk and Bike Month 2024 a reality. This amazing team of supporters and donors keeps Walk and Bike Month strong. Their commitment to healthy, active living in our community is cause for celebration. 

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