Better Bike Safety in Boulder


Biking in the City of Boulder and Boulder County is a little more safe this fall.

Tall Curbs on Baseline

First up, thank you City of Boulder for the work on Baseline including the new tall curbs that are being installed!  Cyclists on Baseline will feel much safer riding down Baseline with the tall curbs (something Community Cycles advocated for) and other safety enhancements. Give Baseline a ride!

Phase 1 is just about complete and Phase 2 improvements will begin next year.

Rumble Stips on CO 119

Second, CDOT and RTD are bringing an improvement on CO 119 this November: rumble strips. The project will impact CO 119 from Longmont to Boulder at Foothills Parkway.

Bicyclists are encouraged to avoid the area from Nov. 13-16 due to lane and shoulder closures.

Rumble strips provide an audible and vibration warning to drivers who may be leaving the roadway. The strips will be installed along the edge line of the outside shoulder throughout the corridor where there is adequate space for them to be installed and still allow for cyclists to utilize the shoulders.

Next spring, the work on the larger aspects of the CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements will begin.