Community Cycles is pleased to announce that our new location is open at 2601 Spruce St, Unit B, Boulder, CO 80302. Enter in the back, off the alley! If you drive, please park on the street.
Our hours will stay the same after the move:
12pm – 6pm. Thursday through Sunday, and Tuesday,
We are excited to own a permanent community bicycle center in Boulder, after leasing space and paying rent for the past 13 years. Thanks to everyone who has helped us get into our new building, raise the money for the purchase, and set up our new space.
With an outstanding location in the heart of Boulder and great access for all our programs this is a real win-win for the people of Boulder and Boulder County.
Community Cycles is eagerly looking forward to serving the community in this new facility.
Community Cycles’ permanent bicycle center is funded in part by the Community, Culture and Safety Tax on the 2017 ballot. Thank you, Boulder voters! Other support came from Boulder County Worthy Cause, the Gates Foundation, Hazel’s Beverage World, the Leslie Bohm Foundation, Community Foundation Serving Boulder County, People for Bikes and many other local businesses, organizations, and individuals.
The total cost of the project is $2.1 million. Donations to finish outfitting the new space are still accepted at:
Community Cycles is hosting a grand opening for our members, donors, new neighbors and the wider Boulder community in April 23rd 2019, 1-2pm.