Free Farmers Market Bike Valet, Jobs & Volunteers

Alexey DaviesNews


The Boulder Farmers Market will have a free bike valet this year on Saturdays! The bike valet ensures that bikes are safe from theft and parked in an appropriate enclosed space so that you can enjoy the fruits of the market. Thank you BikeBolder, Shared Paths and the Farmers Market for making this possible!

Volunteers are needed to help staff the Farmers Market Bike Valet

The Farmers Market Bike Valet needs 4 Volunteers each Saturday from April 5 – November 22‬‭. Sign up for the early shift (7:30 – 11) or the late shift (11 – 2:30). Sign up Here. Thanks for making a positive difference for cyclists and our environment.

Part time positon Bike Valet Manager

The Farmers Market Bike Valet also needs another Bike Valet Manager to manage the setup/take down plus the operations of the valet. Here is the Job Description and how to apply.

Another bike Part time position at the Bike-n-Ride shelters

Commuting Solutions is for someone to administer 5 Bike-n-Ride shelters along the US 36 corridor on a part-time, currently temporary basis.  Here is the posting: Careers with Commuting Solutions.