Intersection Improvements


The City of Boulder has been working on Intersection Safety Improvement projects.

19th & Baseline

  • The City is redesigning this intersection after 23 collisions, 12 involving bicyclists, between 2012-2016.
  • 91% involved eastbound bicyclists and vehicles turning right on to Baseline Road westbound.
  • The City originally proposed straightening 29th and adding a left turn lane to 29th.
  • We asked instead for a raised intersection to show that people on bikes or on foot are crossing here and have the right-of-way.
  • We provided an example design.
  • The City agreed and modified their design to incorporate most of our suggestions!

Colorado & Regent

  • The City is redesigning this intersection after 48 collisions (!), 8 involving bicyclists, between 2012-2014.
  • Most of the crashed were rear-end in the right turn lane from Regent to Colorado
  • New design includes elements of a protected intersection
  • We recommended a side path, rather than a striped lane between car lanes.
  • Crossing at 28th is still a concern; we are working with The City to explore other options. This intersection may be rebuilt in the near future.
  • We would like to reduce the angle on the 90-degree turns of the bike path.