Donate A Bike
Where/When can I drop off my donation?
We accept donations during our open hours: 11am-6pm Thursday through Sunday so that staff may safely handle bikes. We are not picking up bikes at this time.
2601 Spruce St, Unit B (Back of the building), Boulder, CO 80302. *North side of the building and look for the “Donations Here” rack.What kind of bike things does Community Cycles accept?
All of it! We accept anything and everything bike-related, in any condition:
- Adult bikes AND kids bikes.
- Parts.
- Bike accessories like bike racks, car racks, trainers, panniers and other bags, baskets, etc.
- Bike shoes and attire.
- Tires and tubes (we'll recycle your old ones for FREE!)
- #4 and #5 plastic sports bottles.
- And more!
What will happen to my bike donation?
Your bike and parts donation will support our great mission that bicycles are affordable and sustainable transportation:
- Bikes support our Earn-a-Bike Program.
- Bikes go to low income kids through the annual Kids Holiday Bike Giveaway event.
- Bikes are introduced into bike fleets around town.
- Bikes are donated to our low-income friends and neighbors.
- Bikes are sold in our retail shop.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, Community Cycles is a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization. You will be offered a tax receipt for proof of your donation at time of drop off.
Do You Buy Bikes/Can I trade my old bike in for a new one?
However, bike donors are welcome to participate in Earn-a-Bike, or you can always purchase a great refurbished bike from our showroom.
How You Can Become More Involved
Host a bicycle donation drive

Solicit monetary donations
We can accept them here.
We can set up a matching campaign for Colorado Gives Day or any other time of year.