Vision Zero, More Than a Goal


What is Vision Zero?

The goal of Vision Zero is zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries. The premise is that traffic collisions are preventable, and even one fatality is too many. People make mistakes and Vision Zero takes a systematic approach, prioritizing road design and focusing on speed management.

Both the City of Boulder and Boulder County have adopted Vision Zero as a goal.  However the reality is an estimated 13 fatalities have occured in unincorporated Boulder County and 9 within BoCo cities (5 fatalities in Boulder) thus far in 2021. We have a lot of work to do.

How you can support Vision Zero goals

Please support Community Cycles work in achieving Vision Zero goals of zero deaths and serious injuries by making a year end donation here.

Interested in cycling advocacy in the Boulder area? Stay informed and learn how you can raise your voice. Join our advocacy mailing list for sporadic emails with opportunities and information. Look for the subscribe box at the bottom/right of our homepage.

How is this accomplished and where are we now?

The latest version of the City of Boulder’s Safe Streets Report (2018-2020) will drive an updated vision zero action plan. Opportunities for your input are coming soon. The county’s action plan is in development and other BoCo cities are developing plans as well.

In addition, Transportation Master Plans (TMP) always have safety as a key element to meet the TMP goals. The City of Boulder TMP, Louisville TMP, and Boulder County TMP drive their work plans. We encourage you to be informed by looking at these plans, at least the summaries. Here is Boulder’s Report on Progress that shows we have a long way to go.

Community Cycles is a key community representative at the table, lobbying to address safety for all new infrastructure projects. We will keep pushing systematically, focusing on whole corridors for complete safe routes for cyclists and pedestrians, speed reduction on collector and arterial streets and making our intersections safer.

Interested in cycling advocacy in the Boulder area? Stay informed and learn how you can raise your voice. Join our advocacy mailing list for sporadic emails with opportunities and information. Look for the subscribe box at the bottom/right of our homepage.

PS – Another great resource is the  Vision Zero Network.