Earn a Bike
We seek to create equitable access to bicycles throughout our community.
Earn-A-Bike (EAB) Builds a Greener and more Bike-Friendly Boulder.
low-income friends and neighbors on bikes since 2006!
Who is Eligible?
Earn-A-Bike is for low-income participants who are 13 and older and who do not own a well-functioning bike.
Income Criteria:
- Single: $51,100 or less
- 2-Person Family: $58,400 or less
- 3-Person Family: $65,700 or less
Program Fee: $20 (non-refundable)
Fee waivers are considered for people currently receiving services from Boulder’s social service organizations, such as the Homeless Shelter, Safehouse, Boulder Housing Partners, and others.
- Fill out the application below
- Pay the $20 non-refundable fee
- Sign up for the classes:
- Volunteer for 2 three hour volunteer shifts
I have benefited enormously from this program! I could not afford a bicycle, and I was not very knowledgeable about them. I have saved a lot of money on fuel, and I use my car so little. I enjoy the health benefits of bicycling, and I also get to see and interact with my neighborhood. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
Earn-a-Bike participants will also receive a lock courtesy of Boulder Police.