Update on the proposed unsafe crossing of the Broadway Bike Path

BikeNonProfitAdvocacy, News

The following is a Community Cycles memo to City staff for a meeting held with the Planning and Development Services department who are managing the transportation portion of the CU conference center development. CU is a state entity so this development does not go through standard Planning and Development review processes and just has to meet the Design and Construction … Read More

Will Boulder City Council Help Avoid Carnage on the Broadway Bike Path?

BikeNonProfitAdvocacy, News

The following Guest Opinion by Community Cycles Executive Director Sue Prant was published in the Daily Camera on October 1, 2022. On September 15th, Boulder City Council voted no to streets for people and yes to private automobiles by reversing the street closure of west Pearl. This from a city council where 8 of the 9 members ran on a … Read More

Sign the Petition – Plans for CU Conference Center Pose a Deadly Risk to Bicyclists and Pedestrians

BikeNonProfitAdvocacy, News

In late October, CU and developer Limelight are slated to break ground on a new conference center with a 250 room hotel and parking structure on the northeast corner of Broadway and University. The current design calls for the primary vehicle access to cross the Broadway path at Grandview, partway down the hill.  Today, Grandview at Broadway sees about 70 … Read More

CCAC positions on CU Conference Center and Hotel


The Community Cycles Advocacy Committee has discussed the on-site meeting and reviewed the civil plans for the site. We remain deeply concerned about safety at the Broadway-Grandview intersection, particularly for traffic on the multi-use path. The TIA projects 150 to 175 peak-hour crossings in 2025 (a potential conflict almost every 20 seconds) and a total of 1550 per day, a … Read More

Boulder City Council Says “No” to Streets for People (and “yes” to private automobiles)


Despite getting over 600 emails supporting the continued closure of west Pearl to private automobile traffic, on Sept 15h Boulder’s self-proclaimed “progressive” city Council voted in favor of re-introducing cars, killing the city’s only street closure. Community Cycles submitted a letter supporting the street closure and Executive Director Sue Prant spoke at the Sept 15th Council meeting. Several CC members also … Read More

Proposed entrance to CU Conference Center poses danger to people walking and riding

BikeNonProfitAdvocacy, News

Dear members of the City Council Summary: The development of the CU Conference Center and Hotel will make the intersection of Grandview and the Broadway multi-use path extremely hazardous for people walking and biking by introducing hundreds of daily vehicle movements across the path. The proposed intersection design will not solve the safety problem, will be very expensive, and will … Read More