Jay Road Input – Survey Due May 20th


In light of recent fatal crashes on Jay Road and the lack of a safe bicycle route between Gunbarrel and Boulder, Community Cycles has been advocating for the county to address safety on Jay Rd.

Thankfully, progress is being made and Boulder County will be making considerable safety improvements this summer.  See those improvements listed on the Jay Road webpage.

The County is also looking for feedback on additional treatments through a Survey that is open through May 20th.

Community Cycles supports the buffered bike lane (given the existing road width), green paint at intersections, pedestrian islands, lane narrowing and flexible delineator posts with the goal of lowering speeds and calming traffic on Jay.

We also encourage the County to take a comprehensive look at the speed limits on Jay Road with the goal of lowering the speed limit in conjunction with the other engineering treatments.  Fatalities on Jay Rd have highlighted the incompatibility of 45 mph speed limits (which encourage speeds of 50+ mph) with safe bicycling.