Show Up April 30th for a safer Iris for All, take the Survey of the design options, plus the release of Boulder for All website!

Jane JohnstonAdvocacy, News

Iris Avenue is slated for redesign. A lot is at stake and your voice will matter a lot. Please plan to attend the Iris Open House on April 30th!

The options presented at the Open House for a redesigned Iris will involve trade offs (around cost, safety, comfort, appearance, speed, etc) affecting the safety of you and your loved ones as they travel along or across Iris. Some people will be predominantly concerned with the average time it takes to speed along the entire length of Iris by car, or cut-through traffic, but we suspect that many of you will care as much or more about:

  • Crossing Iris safely. How safe will it be for you, your child or elderly parent to cross Iris by bike or on foot? Will it be a deadly game of Frogger? Or something anyone, age 8 or 80 can manage without fear?
  • Avoiding unsignalized Intersections. Will your children, elderly parents, or loved ones with a sight impairment be hemmed into small quadrants of the neighborhood because the available bikeways and walkways require crossing unsignalized intersections with busy streets like Folsom?
  • The danger of using Iris at all. Will Iris be sufficiently safe and comfortable to be part of a short trip to school, the park, the store, or a friend’s house, whether that trip is made by bike, scooter, or on foot? Or will Iris remain so unpleasant and unsafe that it is avoided by anyone who can?
  • Reducing road noise. Will road noise from Iris remain high enough that one must shout to have a conversation with a companion as you sit in your backyard or walk to the park?
  • Fixing a broken network. Will Iris become part of a complete network of safe and direct routes for all modes of travel such that we don’t have to rely on the automobile for every trip? Or will Iris remain a gaping hole in that network, relegating cyclists and pedestrians to less direct routes and multiple crossings of unsignalized intersections?

Take a look at the Iris Story Board of the design options and take the survey!

What’s important to you?

We have a chance to see Iris transformed so that it works well for all of us, drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike. But without your presence and your voice, all of that is in peril. So please show up and be heard. And, while you’re there, ask any of us wearing an Iris for All sticker about ways that you can help your neighbors understand what’s at stake. Tell us your story about how a safer Iris would be better for you, your family, and your neighbors. We want to hear how Iris matters to you.

Boulder for All!

For information about Community Cycles vision and educational materials, please visit Boulder for All – A new vision for transportation in our Community.